Owner of the site
Strandschlößl - Heitzmann Apartments
Located on the lake
Leonard and Susan HEITZMANN
A - 9871 Seeboden, Süduferweg 59
Mobile: +43(0)6607328882 / F: +43 (0) 4762 82 415-3
info@strandschloessl.at / www.strandschloessl.at
Strandschlößl - Heitzmann Apartments
Located on the lake
Leonard and Susan HEITZMANN
A - 9871 Seeboden, Süduferweg 59
Mobile: +43(0)6607328882 / F: +43 (0) 4762 82 415-3
info@strandschloessl.at / www.strandschloessl.at